By the way, that L'Oreal nail polish lasted for about 4 days but it did get quite chipped, so it's better than Barry M but still not amazing!
I was about to get my ears pierced today when I was in town, since it's my birthday tomorrow, but I changed my mind just before we went to the tattoo parlour because I am incredibly indecisive and I wasn't sure that I would still like the piercings in a few weeks. But I think now that I do definitely want them doing so hopefully I'll go in the next couple of weeks, possibly I'll take a friend with me after school one day.
I'm wearing: cardigan and polo shirt- Joules, jeans- mini Boden, headband- Zara, brogues- New Look. That's also the L'Oreal nail polish from yesterday, it's doing better than Barry M so far!
Only six days left until Christmas!!
images from: The Clothes Horse (tumblr), Alice Point, Canned Fashion, Style Bubble, The Stylish Wanderer
The last few are some examples I found along the way of how shorter hair can look really good- I especially love the mad curls in the image second from bottom! I'm wondering if it's not actually the hair length which I don't love any more, but the colour- note how the last few photos all seem to be ginger or have a slightly ginger-ish tint to them. I do definitely love ginger hair, but I don't know if i'd be brave enough to dye it, or if my mum would let me! Perhaps next summer i'll try a temporary dye, at least then if I hate it I can just stay at home until it washes out and nobody will have to see it!