I cannot physically explain how much I love this collection! I know it was released months ago and isn't even his most recent, but I reckon Christopher Kane is my favourite designer right now and considering that I also adore stars and space-y stuff it was kinda of guaranteed that this collection would be a winner for me. I would wear any of the three in the first photo in a heartbeat, as they shapes look so wearable for me and the patterns aren't too 'out there' either, compared with some of the others. The one on the left actually reminds me (for some reason) of an American ranch from the movies or something like that, and not actually like space at all! The colours of these ones are gorgeous too, as well as the high necklines.

With these three designs I like the way he has combined a 50's silhouette with the digital print, and then just made the upper body section more interesting. I think the t-shirt in the middle looks really cool, although personally I could never wear it since I don't have a flat stomach (by a long way..)! Still though I can appreciate how gorgeous they all look.

These three are all designs which again, I could wear straight away. I think the far right is my favourite purely because of the little orange bit in the print which goes so well with the blues, but then again I do like how the second one has leather sleeves! I'm getting quite into leather recently which is weird since I've never thought about it much before, but there was a 50's style skirt in this charity shop the other day which I almost bought but I was worried the waist wasn't big enough, and since was in a rush I couldn't try it on so had to let it go. I'm always wary of buying leather on the high street because you have to spend a lot to get good quality, and I never like spending too much money on one garment!

I even love the fluffy shoes as well, which is weird because I reckon if I saw them in a shop without having seen the rest of the collection i'd pass them off as tacky. I think that the pink ones are actually appealing to me the most which is possibly even stranger- like the tackyness and childishness all collides to create a super attractive shoe! They're all just so darn
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