Thursday, 30 September 2010
Street My Style
Monday, 27 September 2010
Going To Landaaan!

Friday, 24 September 2010
See Right Through Me
shirt- H&M, shorts- thrifted, hat- mum's vintage, black tights- Boots
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Lyrically Motivated

In terms of school right now i'm very very busy, yesterday I spent four and a half hours painting a page of a book from 1836 (they were giving it out for us to use in art) as my own interpretation of an artists work! I'm also doing textiles where we have to decide on our own brief; I've decided to design a coat based on the costumes of a book character. This will probably take me down the cape route (a la Sherlock Holmes but more modern), and i'm thinking of adding some 'The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe' influences based on the outfit worn by the white witch (or whatever she's called, maybe a queen?) in the massive battle. It's got lots of shaggy fur around the collar with leather and chain mail- maybe I won't be including the chain mail part so much!
Also, I got my first job! I'm not sure I should say where just to protect the company's privacy and everything, but i'm going for an induction next week. I'm working on the checkouts which is quite good, and from talking to other people about their jobs apparently the pay i'm getting is really decent too! It's literally the first job i've ever applied for, but I did make sure I did it properly and at a place where I would be happy working, unlike some people I know who just handed tons of cv's out around town.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Scott Pilgrim vs The World- and more
Anyway, sorry that there aren't any photos in this post but I thought I could do a mini film review for you, just as something different. Last friday I went to the cinema with a friend to watch Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and let me just say it is the best film i've ever seen! I don't know that it's something which would appeal to everyone, really it's more of a geeky cult thing, but that suited me just fine! I'll try and get through this without giving away any spoilers, but really it's more the overall feel and effect of the film which is great as opposed to the storyline.
aaagh something stupid just happened where I said 'publish post' and half the post got deleted! that is so annoying.
Basically, it was a bit like an old game e.g. Zelda in the sense that the fights were so unrealistic and at the end he got 'points' for defeating the ex's! They even played the Zelda music in the background at one point. Sorry but i'm too tired to re-write the whole post now, basically it's a great film to watch with your friends or a boyfriend, but your parents probably won't get it. Me and my friend came out wishing we had cute geeky boyfriends- you would think with the reputation my school has there would be plenty but actually there's none!
Hopefully i'll get back into blogging regularly, but there will definitely be less outfit posts because nobody wants to see my school uniform!
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Autumn Cleaning
In the photo below you can see the headboard, which used to be metal and generally modern. Well, it still is but we've covered it with an old throw and then sewn an old curtain over the top. It's not particularly neat from the back, but seeing as my bed is always pushes against the wall I don't see how that matters! The three pictures above the bed also used to be all brightly coloured, from when I went through a crazy 60's hippy phase, but I covered them with blue paper and images of interiors from magazines.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Views And Perspectives
I uploaded the last one to flickr too, because I particularly like the framing of the two trees. For the last ones by the tree I changed the white balance so that the photos had a more blueish hue, to look colder and more emotional.