I'm afraid there probably won't be any outfits posts for quite a while yet still, because I rarely wear anything interesting after school and at weekends i'm just doing school work so I don't have any reason to wear nice things! This is another arty post, there are quite a few photos but not as many as the last photography post, you'll be glad to hear. These are some photos I took around christmas time last year, using old film photos and lyrics. I first found a plain-ish film photo of something like a landscape, then wrote a short line of lyrics on lined paper, then ripped around them and placed them down on the film photo. I then took the photo with my dslr! They're a bit more personal and meaningful than the usual boring photos I do, and i'm thinking about using them in my as level art project entitled 'views and perspectives'. I don't want to write too much about them in case this turns into some sort of art analysis/essay! But I showed them to my mum today (I don't really show her that much of my photography) and she actually thought they were by some professional person or a stock photo, until I told her that I took them. That sort of thing makes me super happy- maybe that's partly why I like them so much?!
This photo is of a beach in Northumberland, lyrics by Regina Spektor
Photo of Brancaster Staithe (Norfolk), lyrics by Fyfe Dangerfield
Photo of the Golden Lion pub in Hunstanton, lyrics by Regina Spektor, shells from Hunstanton beach In terms of school right now i'm very very busy, yesterday I spent four and a half hours painting a page of a book from 1836 (they were giving it out for us to use in art) as my own interpretation of an artists work! I'm also doing textiles where we have to decide on our own brief; I've decided to design a coat based on the costumes of a book character. This will probably take me down the cape route (a la Sherlock Holmes but more modern), and i'm thinking of adding some 'The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe' influences based on the outfit worn by the white witch (or whatever she's called, maybe a queen?) in the massive battle. It's got lots of shaggy fur around the collar with leather and chain mail- maybe I won't be including the chain mail part so much!
Also, I got my first job! I'm not sure I should say where just to protect the company's privacy and everything, but i'm going for an induction next week. I'm working on the checkouts which is quite good, and from talking to other people about their jobs apparently the pay i'm getting is really decent too! It's literally the first job i've ever applied for, but I did make sure I did it properly and at a place where I would be happy working, unlike some people I know who just handed tons of cv's out around town.
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