The clothes were such fun too- hearts, rainbows, tutus etc. I adore the pink bodysuit on the bottom right- it has a cape at the back.

Believe it or not this photo is actually photoshopped!! (I know, it looks incredibly realistic but I swear that's just because of my super developed skills). In real life it's almost as shiny as nail foils- so sparkly!
sunglasses and necklace- both H&M, nail varnishes (from left)- Barry M, Barry M, freebie with Elle magazine
These were free gifts with the Dr Who Monster Invasion magazine, which is awesome- although I still wouldn't consider myself to be a proper DW geek because that would be insulting to people who know everything about the show! Exciting news though; on July 9th i'm going down to London with a friend to a film con which Karen Gillan is attending!! We've both booked to get a photo with her, and we're also going to the Doctor Who Experience while we wait for the photos to develop since it's just across the road. The question for me now is what on earth am I going to wear?!
I've been wanting to make a large envelope clutch for a while now, and the other day I had the greatest idea of making one in Tardis blue and painting a gold '5' on the flap! If you don't watch the show then that won't make any sense, but I think it's awesome haha. Hopefully I'll have some interesting things to share with you soon! x