By far my favourite show of London fashion week has been Meadham Kirchhoff- not only were the clothes amazing, the show itself was so fun and theatrical. It began with a whole group of Courtney Love style girls powdering their faces and putting on lipstick, and then they all started dancing and the show really began. Later on there were even little ballerinas!
The runway was decked out with loads of streamers and balloons in pastel colours, looking like an old style school prom. If you want to watch the full show in action ( should!), you can see it here- just scroll down on the left.
image from fashionweekdaily
The clothes were such fun too- hearts, rainbows, tutus etc. I adore the pink bodysuit on the bottom right- it has a cape at the back.
images from

The clothes were such fun too- hearts, rainbows, tutus etc. I adore the pink bodysuit on the bottom right- it has a cape at the back.

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