jacket, dress, blouse, bag- charity shops, brogues and belt- H&M

Hey everyone! Haven't posted for a while again, nothing interesting ever seems to occur to me haha. This September i'm going to uni (to study fashion design) so I should have much more to talk about, and I won't have to wear a uniform any more so there will be more outfit posts! This is what I wore today to go into town, as I had a few things to get mainly from the charity shops. It's my friend's 18th birthday party next sunday and there's a 50's and 60's theme, so I had to find an outfit and luckily found a lovely skirt to go with the blouse I wore today- I will definitely post photos next week! Overall it was actually a great haul today, including a saucepan and colander for uni (just under £4 each) as well as these clear plastic neon bags.

I wasn't sure whether to get them at first but though what the hell, for only £3 i'm sure I can get some use out of them. The biggest one is the only one really, well, big enough to use as a handbag, but those canvas handles are hideous and just make it look even cheaper so I might see if I can do something about that.
All of this shopping for uni things makes me so excited! Now that I've confirmed my offer and applied for finance and accommodation everything seems so real, I really can't wait to go live by myself and study fashion full time. Anyone else going to university this year? If so, what are you studying?
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